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  • Medelys Ionized Silver, 500 ml | NutriFarm.ca

Medelys Ionized Silver, 500 ml

$32.99 $27.99
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Product Description

IONIZED SILVER is biologically the most active and direct form for attacking germs. The silver ion will specifically and exclusively attack the cells of germs (bacteria, viruses,…). Moreover, there are no negative effects on human cells or animal cells.

Colloïdal silver will act accordingly by releasing silver ions randomly, therefore causing the product to be quite variable compared to ionized silver which provides much better efficiency due to its ionic form. The colloïds are particles in suspension in a liquid. They cannot be easily eliminated by the body and can migrate to soft tissues; consequently, the skin will take on a greyish blue color, namely designated as Argyria. As for ionized silver, it is dissolved in water, thus becoming immediately active to neutralize microbes and will be eliminated through the bile and kidneys within a few hours.

IONIZED SILVER with a 5 ppm concentration is sufficient, efficient and safe. A higher concentration is not necessary.

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