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Posted on 2018 Oct 10th
Preparing for the Winter Months by Strengthening your Immune System
Winter is on its way and ready to rumble! Those that have experienced winter know the fun that comes with it – the snow, the beautiful cozy nights and the wonderful holidays. But one thing that no one seems to enjoy, is getting sick or coming down with a cold or flu. This year, promise yourself, that you’ll strengthen your immune system minimizing your chances of encountering the dreaded illnesses.
Preparing for the Winter Season
Here are some things you can do to prep for the cold winter months.
1. Wear warm winter clothing. Buying the appropriate clothing that is meant for the cold will ensure you don’t weaken your immune system and have you getting sick by exposing yourself to the low temperatures.
2. Get plenty of vitamin C!
Immune system cells in your body need sufficient Vitamin C to stay resistant against pathogens. Boost your immune system with a Vitamin C!
3. Get sleep. During these months people are prone to getting depressed because of the lack of sun we tend to receive. Sleeping revives and energizes our brain cells, waves and rejuvenates your cells, strengthening them and in turn strengthening your immune system.
4. Vitamin D is here as your buddy! Again, because of the lack of sun – vitamin D – people tend to receive during the winter months, illnesses such as depression are prevalent.
5. Exercise! It’s easy to stay home and hibernate during the colder days but that can encourage the onset of sicknesses by weakening your immune system. Stay strong, active and motivated to strengthen your immune system by keeping your heart-rate up and sweating out toxins.
Those are some simple steps, to keep your immune system on the up and up, giving you the power to plow through the harsh, cold winter months.
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